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LSI @Elementum

Launching May 2024, our brand new Singapore location opens just a short walk from Buona Vista MRT in the newly built Elementum building

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Space 4 Science

Specifically designed with co-working in mind, LSI @Elementum incorporates all the features you know and love in our existing facility at The German Centre. Smaller lab spaces allow for vigorous segregation between research types, and maintenance of that  close-knit feel.

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Space 4 GROWTH

As well as pay-per-bench options in the open labs, we're able to offer large private suites, specifically for those users ready to take the next step into their own space, but not yet ready for the burden of large capex spend or a long lease. Suites incorporate both lab and office space to enable teams to work alongside each other.

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Space 4 Community

Our large social space acts as a pantry and drop in area on a day-to-day basis, giving members space to catch up with their teams and each other. We will continue to host events and invite partner brands and other key contacts to help members expand their network and identify opportunities for business and connection.

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